Our Privacy Policy

This policy provides information on how we use and protect information that passes through our site. We guarantee that your privacy is completely protected as you browse our site. Any information that we may request from you as you use our site will be protected and used in accordance to this privacy policy. We may periodically review and change this policy to meet technological improvements and online standards therefore we recommend that you check this page frequently to receive recent updates and to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

What we collect

The following information may be collected as you use our site:

  • Your name and title
  • Your occupation
  • Your complete contact address
  • Your email address
  • Your demographic details such as your postal code, personal interests and preferences
  • Other relevant information through surveys

Why we collect this information

We collect these pieces of information so that we may understand your preferences, tastes and needs. This is also our way of providing the most suitable services for you. Here are reasons why we collect personal information and what do we do with this information:

  • To help use improve our products and services.
  • To allow us to keep a profile of our customers.
  • To help us customize our website to suit your tastes and your interests.
  • To help us create promotional emails to promote products, offers and information that could be of interest to you. These emails are periodically sent to the email address that you have provided to us.
  • To improve the promotional and marketing strategies of our business partners.
  • To allow us to effectively get in touch with you for market research.

You can be rest assured that information that you have submitted to us will never be sold for other purposes.

Our guarantee of security

We guarantee that your personal details as well as other supplied information are secured. As seen in numerous disclosures and unauthorized access to customers’ information in some sites, we are committed to preventing this from happening in our site. We employ effective site management principles, the most updated electronic solutions and relevant physical parameters to secure all information that we have collected from customers and visitors that use our site.

What are cookies and why do we use them

A cookie is a file that seeks permission from you before it is activated in your device’s hard drive. Should you agree, the file is fixed and the cookie helps analysis of web traffic or providing information when a particular site is accessed. Cookies allow web applications to relate with you personally; this is done by remembering details about your preferences and your tastes. Web applications can attune its operations to conform to your likes and your needs.

We also use traffic log cookies to identify the pages that you frequently visit on our site. The main purpose of this is for statistics after data is cleared off in our system. Information that we gather helps us identify your areas of interest in our site and to improve them further. You may accept or decline cookies through your own discretion.